Personal Branding Session (With Wine!) in Sebastopol, CA

This past Saturday I had my second personal branding session ever! (I think this might be a new niche for me, I’m really loving it!) I was introduced to Taylor through a mutual friend of ours and feel so lucky that it worked out this way! She was absolutely phenomenal to work with! Not only is she intelligent and natural in front of the camera, but her future business endeavors include wine tasting so you can imagine what our day was full of!


For this fun and relaxed personal branding session, we hit up two different wineries throughout the day, both located in Sebastopol, California. The weather couldn’t have been better for California’s winter! It was warm and sunny and everything was green. As the photographer, I decided to be the designated driver so that I had easy control over where and when we stopped to snap photos, and also because I was only going to be tasting at one winery rather than both. 🙂


Our first stop was Littorai. We were greeted by a super cute and cuddly kitty named Keeko. She spent most of our visit on Taylor’s lap and a little on mine. Poor Lisa (our mutual friend) is allergic to kitties! 🙁 I did not taste at this spot but Taylor and Lisa raved about their wine. It will have to go on my list for a future weekend getaway in California’s Wine Country!


Next we headed to Merry Edwards. This spot was a little more photo friendly in that they had a beautiful patio space for tasting as well as hanging out to share a bottle with friends. They walked us through the various wines and then gave us space to chat, take photos and hang out. After the tasting Taylor treated us to a bottle and we had a little girl’s time on the patio together. We chatted, took photos, and ate LOTS of yummy snacks. (Thanks Taylor!)  It was SO MUCH FUN. Taylor is brilliant when it comes to wine from the way she describes the flavors to the way she holds the glass in her hand. Lisa and I kept joking about how we are clearly not wine connoisseurs. That became blatantly obvious when they were explaining the differences between the way the grapes are grown.


Anyway, Taylor was incredible and we had such a fantabulous girl’s day hanging out, drinking wine, and snapping photos. I couldn’t have asked for a better Saturday! Let’s do this every weekend, eh?


I hope you enjoy scrolling through some of my favorites from our shoot!

Those blossoms in the background!! I think they’re almond? I don’t know, but I LOVE THEM!

Like, WOW. Just wow.

The light was so perfect and glowy in this spot!

Poor Taylor, I was really putting her IN the branches and making so many adjustments. I need more practice incorporating blooming branches into the photos with my subjects, hahaha.

This was at Littorai! The kitty was SO SWEET! Such a lover. Lisa and Taylor tasted here and I hung out and snapped photos.

It was really fun listening to Taylor talk about wine. Just the way she held it in her glass was magical, hahah.

Then we made our way to Merry Edwards. They had a beautiful patio where we could taste and then hang out afterwards.


Love these two!

I love the little glare in the bottom of these images. And she looks SO cozy in that wrap!

GLOW, GLOW GLOW! Perrrrrrfectionnn.

I had to make one last stop before we headed home to capture her among these eucalyptus trees.


Remember to leave Taylor some love!




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February 25, 2021

  1. Lisa Edwinson says:

    Absolutely GORGEOUS!

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