My Favorite Sustainable Personal Hygiene Products

If you follow me closely on social media, you may already know that I am in the process of becoming a Certified Green Business in California. (To be clear, I’m not certified yet – hopefully in the next month!) I have longed to make sustainability a pillar of my brand but admittedly I’ve been kind of nervous to speak about it more openly. I am not a sustainability expert and I do not live a zero-waste lifestyle. However, I actively try to make small changes in my lifestyle that result in a happier planet. My goal is to inspire you to do the same! Living sustainably doesn’t have to mean overhauling our entire lives; small changes can make a big difference. In honor of Earth Day coming up next week, I want to discuss why I think it’s so important that we continue to honor our planet every day (and not just on Earth Day), and to then share some of my favorite sustainable personal hygiene products to get you inspired. My goal is to inspire you to make small positive changes that both protect our planet and inspire others to do the same!

It’s important to remember that making more sustainable lifestyle choices doesn’t just improve your own carbon footprint; it also has a ripple effect on society as a whole. When we make conscious choices to live more sustainably – whether that be biking or taking public transportation to work, using a reusable canvas bag at the grocery store, or bringing your own reusable water bottle with you and politely refusing the plastic bottle that is offered –  we inspire those around us to do the same! This ripple effect can create a community of environmentally conscious individuals who collectively work towards a more sustainable future and have a much greater impact.

Instead of sharing a list of ways to live more sustainably, I want to instead share some of my favorite sustainable personal hygiene products that I personally use on a daily basis. These eco-friendly products help reduce my and my partner’s environmental impact. Our goal isn’t a zero-waste lifestyle (though that would be pretty cool). It’s ultimately just to keep getting better! We are far from perfect, but we actively choose to keep getting better every day, and I hope you choose to do the same.

If interested, you can shop all of the products by clicking on the links included. Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you purchase from that link with no added cost to you.

One of the simplest and most effective changes I’ve made is switching to a bamboo toothbrush. Not only is it better for the environment since it is biodegradable, but it’s also easier on my sensitive teeth since bamboo bristles are softer than plastic ones. If you use an electric toothbrush, try to find one that doesn’t require batteries and be sure to take care of it so it lasts a long time.

Speaking of bamboo, Reel toilet paper has quickly become one of my favorite products. Made from bamboo, it’s soft, yet durable and ships directly to your doorstep with minimal packaging materials and zero plastic – so great for reducing all that unnecessary plastic waste from store bought brands! Set your own shipping schedule and you’ll never have to run to the store for toilet paper again! Plus, you’re saving the rainforest.

Another favorite sustainable bathroom essential  is the Leaf razor. It’s 100% metal, has a pivoting head, and is designed to work just like the razor you’re probably using today. Not only does it provide an incredibly close and easy shave but it also lasts way longer than the disposable plastic razors! Backed by a lifetime warranty, these razors are built to last. Simply take proper care and replace the blades when they become dull. Everything comes in biodegradable packaging so they don’t end up in landfills. I’ve had my razor for months and absolutely love it!

When it comes to skin care, Beauty Care Naturals is one of my favorite companies. They offer an amazing line of vegan, natural, and organic beauty products that come in compostable or reusable packaging. This means they’re free from harsh chemicals or preservatives that may have adverse effects on both people and the planet over time! I have super sensitive skin and I personally love their skin care set.

A few other skin care lines I adore are Herbivore (their Deep Moisture Glow Oil is my go-to!) and Beauty Heroes. For those of you located in the Bay Area, their flagship store is located in Novato!

Let’s talk about hygiene items such as toothpaste and deodorant. David’s Toothpaste comes in a sleek aluminum tube which eliminates any need for plastic containers or packaging materials – genius! We’ve been using it for months and absolutely love it. We signed up for automatic toothpaste shipments every three months.

ByHumankind also makes all your necessary bathroom products from mouthwash to deodorant. I personally use their deodorant – it comes in a reusable container so you’re no longer tossing plastic deodorant containers into the garbage! The bars of deodorant work, last a long time, and smell great – I love the eucalyptus scent!

Finally, classic bar soap for my hands and body is another one of my favorite sustainable products since it helps eliminate single use plastics containers. It typically lasts much longer than liquid soap, too, so you’re also saving money in the long run! We switch it up frequently and buy ours from various locations, but most often in person from Rainbow Grocery located in SF.

Admittedly I’m still in search of the best shampoo and conditioner options. We have been buying our conditioner in aluminum containers but we tend to go through it quickly. We are currently testing out a new conditioner bar that seems to be working better than others I’ve tried in the past and I will update this blog post if I find a brand we really love!

Ultimately, there are countless sustainable options available nowadays – all it takes is a little bit of research. Making small changes in our daily lives can go a long way towards living sustainably. If you decide to make the switch to any of the sustainable personal hygiene products listed above, remember to use up what you already have first! It’s hard to think of all the products people purchase and simply toss into the garbage when they decide they don’t like it. Simply using what you have is a more sustainable lifestyle choice and it will save you money in the long run. 🙂

I hope this article has inspired you to make positive changes every day that positively impact our planet and community as a whole. If you have any questions or want to share a brands/products you love, please leave them in the comments below! And lastly, Happy (almost) Earth Day!




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