Sandra’s Sunny Personal Branding Session

I am so excited to share this personal branding session with you! Sandra is a real estate agent for RE/MAX Gold in Mill Valley. She was born and raised in the Bay Area, having spent her childhood in San Francisco before moving to the North Bay and embracing her love of nature. She comes from a family of extremely hard working entrepreneurs. If you’ve lived in the North Bay a while, you may remember her mother’s cafe, Cafe on the Common, or their signature granola, One Planet Foods. Sandra grew up in the service industry, doing everything from bussing tables at the cafe to walking door to door to inquire if people wanted to purchase or carry their granola. She learned the meaning of hard work from a young age and has thrived as a result of it!

Sandra was introduced to me through a mutual friend. In fact, this same friend that introduced me to Taylor. The three of them grew up together, Bay Area natives, and they have all grown into badass independent women.

Not only was Sandra looking for someone to work with for her personal branding photos, but she also mentioned to Lisa how she wanted to partner with other brands and businesses to support other small business owners and put together some super awesome fundraisers so that she can donate to organizations that she really cares about. Lucky for me, Lisa knew this was also a part of my dream in building my business. So Lisa floated my name to Sandra and a beautiful relationship was formed!

We met at The State Room over drinks and appetizers to get to know one another and discuss business goals. I needed to know more about what she was looking for as personal branding is still a relatively new realm for me. We hit it off immediately!

For Sandra’s session, we planned a half day adventure. We met at her office in Mill Valley before sunrise and headed to the Marin Headlands to catch some views of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise. Afterwards we grabbed breakfast at Equator Coffee in Sausalito. Lucky for us, this adorable flower bouquet vehicle called The Flower Wagon pulled up just as we were finishing. Perfect timing for us to pick out a bouquet for a photo prop! Their cart was so cute and flowers and products so beautiful – I would highly recommend them! They said they would be at that spot in Sausalito every Saturday morning for the upcoming summer and you may even run into them around other parts of the bay.

After grabbing our bouquet, we parked downtown and headed towards the water, stopping wherever we saw beautiful light. Before we left Sausalito, Sandra spotted someone she recognized from school growing up! (She’s so outgoing, they started chatting right away!) He was working at Hanson Gallery, a super cute spot in Sausalito that displays gorgeous artwork with an organic tasting room featuring Hanson vodka. They let us walk around and we were able to take some photos in their upstairs space. So sweet! We bought a few bottles of their organic vodka before heading out. We were on a schedule to hit a house viewing in Mill Valley, our final stop for the day!

After the super quick house viewing (tight schedule!), we were done for the day! Phew! Good thing too as it was getting HOT.

Working with Sandra was phenomenal. She is extremely professional and down to earth that is the best combination in my opinion. Her awareness of small businesses in her communities astounds me. She was constantly looking for small businesses to pop into, connect with and support. People like her are so important to make communities and small businesses thrive! Sandra is also a huge promoter of health, wellness, and is extremely mindful of her impact on the environment, looking for ways to live a greener lifestyle in any way possible. We have so much in common and I’m excited to work with her again soon.

I hope you love these photos from Sandra’s personal branding session as much as I do!

A couple fun series I put together for her. 🙂 Do you prefer color or black and white? Let me know in the comments below!

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June 26, 2021

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